26. Međunarodna jedriličarska regata “ Sv. Nikola”


7.12. Četvrtak: 1 dan - 26. Međunarodne regate Sv. Nikola 2017
7.12. Thursday: 0 day - 26th International Regatta Sv. Nikola 2017


1 dan/ day:
17:00 - 20:00 - Prijave / Entries

Tradicionalna jedriličarska regata Sv. Nikola okuplja mlade i stare jedriličare, ljubitelje sporta i mora u akvatoriju ispred uvale Valsalina. Sportski događaj slavi zaštitnika pomoraca i svojim programom svake godine privuče preko 1 000 posjetitelja. Program se prostire kroz tri dana aktivnog jedrenja u klasama Optimist (0< 15 god.), 470 i Laser 4,7 - Radial - Standard (15<∞) god.).
Takmičenje možete pratiti sa šetnjice Lungomare i Verudela, a izlazak jedriličara na more moguće je popratiti na iz jedriličarskog kluba Vega.

Traditional sailing regatta Sv. Nikola gathers young and old sailors, sports and sea lovers in the aquarium in front of the Valsalina bay. Sports Event celebrates the patron saint of sailors and their program annually attracts over 1,000 visitors. The program runs for three days of active sailing in the Optimist classes (0 <15 years), 470 and Laser 4.7 - Radial - Standard (15 <∞) years).
You can follow the competition from the Lungomare and Verudela walks, and sailors can go out to the Vega sailing club.

8.12. Petak: 2. dan - 26. Međunarodne regate Sv. Nikola 2017
8.12. Friday: 2nd day - 26th International Regatta Sv. Nikola 2017


2.dan/2nd day:
8:00-9:00 Priprema brodova na kopnu / Preparing the boats ashore

10:00 Start 1.jedrenja / Start of the 1st race

10:00 - 16:00 Jedrenje/ Sailing

17:00 Priprema za sutrašnji dan, rezultati, obavijesti na kopnu, topli čaj i pašta/ preparation for the next day, results, information on land, hot tea and pasta

* Program je podložan promjenama, sve obavijesti biti će na oglasnoj ploči/webu najkasnije do 20:00 h prethodnog dana
* The program is subject to change, all notices will be on the notice board and the web at latest by 20:00 hrs on the previous day

Tradicionalna jedriličarska regata Sv. Nikola okuplja mlade i stare jedriličare, ljubitelje sporta i mora u akvatoriju ispred uvale Valsalina. Sportski događaj slavi zaštitnika pomoraca i svojim programom svake godine privuče preko 1 000 posjetitelja. Program se prostire kroz tri dana aktivnog jedrenja u klasama Optimist (0< 15 god.), 470 i Laser 4,7 - Radial - Standard (15<∞) god.).
Takmičenje možete pratiti sa šetnjice Lungomare i Verudela, a izlazak jedriličara na more moguće je popratiti na iz jedriličarskog kluba Vega.

Traditional sailing regatta Sv. Nikola gathers young and old sailors, sports and sea lovers in the aquarium in front of the Valsalina bay. Sports Event celebrates the patron saint of sailors and their program annually attracts over 1,000 visitors. The program runs for three days of active sailing in the Optimist classes (0 <15 years), 470 and Laser 4.7 - Radial - Standard (15 <∞) years).
You can follow the competition from the Lungomare and Verudela walks, and sailors can go out to the Vega sailing club.

9.12. Subota: 3. dan - 26. Međunarodne regate Sv. Nikola 2017
9.12. Saturday: 3rd day - 26th International Regatta Sv. Nikola 2017


3.dan/3rd day:


Priprema brodova na kopnu / Preparing the boats ashore

9:00/10:00 Točno vrijeme starta biti će na oglasnoj ploći / The exact time of the start will be on the notice board

10:00 - 16:00 Jedrenje/ Sailing

17:00 Priprema za sutrašnji dan, rezultati, obavijesti na kopnu, topli čaj i pašta/ preparation for the next day, results, information on land, hot tea and pasta

* Program je podložan promjenama, sve obavijesti biti će na oglasnoj ploči/webu najkasnije do 20:00 h prethodnog dana
* The program is subject to change, all notices will be on the notice board and the web at latest by 20:00 hrs on the previous day

Tradicionalna jedriličarska regata Sv. Nikola okuplja mlade i stare jedriličare, ljubitelje sporta i mora u akvatoriju ispred uvale Valsalina. Sportski događaj slavi zaštitnika pomoraca i svojim programom svake godine privuče preko 1 000 posjetitelja. Program se prostire kroz tri dana aktivnog jedrenja u klasama Optimist (0< 15 god.), 470 i Laser 4,7 - Radial - Standard (15<∞) god.).
Takmičenje možete pratiti sa šetnjice Lungomare i Verudela, a izlazak jedriličara na more moguće je popratiti na iz jedriličarskog kluba Vega.

Traditional sailing regatta Sv. Nikola gathers young and old sailors, sports and sea lovers in the aquarium in front of the Valsalina bay. Sports Event celebrates the patron saint of sailors and their program annually attracts over 1,000 visitors. The program runs for three days of active sailing in the Optimist classes (0 <15 years), 470 and Laser 4.7 - Radial - Standard (15 <∞) years).
You can follow the competition from the Lungomare and Verudela walks, and sailors can go out to the Vega sailing club.

10.12. Nedjelja: 4. dan - 26. Međunarodne regate Sv. Nikola 2017
10.12. Sunday: 4th day - 26th International Regatta Sv. Nikola 2017

4.dan/4th day:

Priprema brodova na kopnu / Preparing the boats ashore

9:00/10:00 Točno vrijeme starta biti će na oglasnoj ploći / The exact time of the start will be on the notice board

10:00 - 15:00/16:00 Jedrenje/ Sailing

16:00/17:00 Konačni rezultati, svečana dodjela nagrada / Final results, prize giving ceremony

* Program je podložan promjenama, sve obavijesti biti će na oglasnoj ploči/webu najkasnije do 20:00 h prethodnog dana
* The program is subject to change, all notices will be on the notice board and the web at latest by 20:00 hrs on the previous day

Tradicionalna jedriličarska regata Sv. Nikola okuplja mlade i stare jedriličare, ljubitelje sporta i mora u akvatoriju ispred uvale Valsalina. Sportski događaj slavi zaštitnika pomoraca i svojim programom svake godine privuče preko 1 000 posjetitelja. Program se prostire kroz tri dana aktivnog jedrenja u klasama Optimist (0< 15 god.), 470 i Laser 4,7 - Radial - Standard (15<∞) god.).
Takmičenje možete pratiti sa šetnjice Lungomare i Verudela, a izlazak jedriličara na more moguće je popratiti na iz jedriličarskog kluba Vega.

Traditional sailing regatta Sv. Nikola gathers young and old sailors, sports and sea lovers in the aquarium in front of the Valsalina bay. Sports Event celebrates the patron saint of sailors and their program annually attracts over 1,000 visitors. The program runs for three days of active sailing in the Optimist classes (0 <15 years), 470 and Laser 4.7 - Radial - Standard (15 <∞) years).
You can follow the competition from the Lungomare and Verudela walks, and sailors can go out to the Vega sailing club.

Organizator: Jedriličarski klub Vega
Mjesto događanja: Uvala Valsaline (Valsaline 31, Mornar)

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